Friday, March 31, 2017
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Sunday, March 26, 2017
winchoo saapaa
winchoo saapaa devaache roopaa
thyaalaa karaave dooraan vandanaa
thyaalaa karaave dooraan vandanaa
Sunday, March 19, 2017
I believe to be the basic five principles of holistic beauty.
First of all, know that you are so much more than what you see in the mirror. I am reminded of the lyrics to my favorite India Arie song. "I am not my hair, I am not this skin, I am not your expectations no, I am the soul that lives within." Your worth is far greater than any hairstyle or hair color. Beauty is in discovering the authenticity that lies beneath the surface.
Next, you have to accept and embrace your uniqueness. Variety is the spice of life. What a boring world it would be if we all looked alike. Learn to appreciate you. Study yourself. Really get to know the unique, beautiful being that you are. You have a purpose on the planet so unique that only you can fulfill it. Do you.
Pursue health. Your hair, skin, and nails are more than just superficial signs of beauty, they are direct reflection of your overall health. Beautiful, glowing, skin and hair are signs of a good digestion and metabolism and a healthy diet. Your skin reflects the quality of your blood. A healthy diet, one that is suitable for your blood type, is how you create that healthy outer glow. No matter what your blood type, a healthy diet will be one that is full of fresh and organic fruits and vegetables, healthy proteins and whole grains.
Be honest with your self and take inventory of your life and make the necessary changes that will bring you into sync and harmony with nature and those around you. The serenity prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr is a perfect meditation for this step; "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; and the courage to change the things that I can." Tension and stress wreak havoc on your inner health. It shows on your face. Nothing is worth disharmony and the disruption it causes to our inner psyche and physiology. You can heal your life, but you must first be honest about what it is. True, authentic beauty comes from a mind and heart that are in harmony. When you have inner harmony there is emotional confusion, lack of confidence, stress and worry disappear.
Last but not least, beauty is a choice. Make the choice each and every day to become healthier. Choose a healthy diet, friends, career, thoughts, and lifestyle. You have the power to transform yourself into the radiantly beautiful woman you are meant to be. Be good to yourself and expect the same from others. Look for beauty around and within you. It's there waiting for your beck and call. "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your Mind." Romans 12:2
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I believe to be the basic five principles of holistic beauty.
First of all, know that you are so much more than what you see in the mirror. I am reminded of the lyrics to my favorite India Arie song. "I am not my hair, I am not this skin, I am not your expectations no, I am the soul that lives within." Your worth is far greater than any hairstyle or hair color. Beauty is in discovering the authenticity that lies beneath the surface.
Next, you have to accept and embrace your uniqueness. Variety is the spice of life. What a boring world it would be if we all looked alike. Learn to appreciate you. Study yourself. Really get to know the unique, beautiful being that you are. You have a purpose on the planet so unique that only you can fulfill it. Do you.
Pursue health. Your hair, skin, and nails are more than just superficial signs of beauty, they are direct reflection of your overall health. Beautiful, glowing, skin and hair are signs of a good digestion and metabolism and a healthy diet. Your skin reflects the quality of your blood. A healthy diet, one that is suitable for your blood type, is how you create that healthy outer glow. No matter what your blood type, a healthy diet will be one that is full of fresh and organic fruits and vegetables, healthy proteins and whole grains.
Be honest with your self and take inventory of your life and make the necessary changes that will bring you into sync and harmony with nature and those around you. The serenity prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr is a perfect meditation for this step; "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; and the courage to change the things that I can." Tension and stress wreak havoc on your inner health. It shows on your face. Nothing is worth disharmony and the disruption it causes to our inner psyche and physiology. You can heal your life, but you must first be honest about what it is. True, authentic beauty comes from a mind and heart that are in harmony. When you have inner harmony there is emotional confusion, lack of confidence, stress and worry disappear.
Last but not least, beauty is a choice. Make the choice each and every day to become healthier. Choose a healthy diet, friends, career, thoughts, and lifestyle. You have the power to transform yourself into the radiantly beautiful woman you are meant to be. Be good to yourself and expect the same from others. Look for beauty around and within you. It's there waiting for your beck and call. "Be ye transformed by the renewing of your Mind." Romans 12:2
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The six bhagâs are:
, i.e. limitless, they are experienced but limited.
One who has limitlessness in all these areas is Bhagvan.
Vyasa presents Krishna as Avatâr, Bhagvân , Ishwarâ
The six bhagâs are:
- aiçvaryam – overlordship,
- jïänam—limitless knowledge,
- vairägyam— lack of sense of want,
- çré—wealth
- yaças,- fame
- véryäm – sämarthyam
, i.e. limitless, they are experienced but limited.
One who has limitlessness in all these areas is Bhagvan.
Vyasa presents Krishna as Avatâr, Bhagvân , Ishwarâ
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
akkamahadevi yavara pravachanagaluunquote
male and female,
blush when a cloth covering their shame
comes loose
When the lord of lives
lives drowned without a face
in the world, how can you be modest?
When all the world is the eye of the lord,
onlooking everywhere, what can you
cover and conceal?
Her poetry exhibits her love for Chenna Mallikarjuna and harmony with nature and simple living.
She Sang:
For hunger, there is the village rice in the begging bowl,
For thirst, there are tanks and streams and wells
For sleep temple ruins do well
For the company of the soul I have you, Chenna Mallikarjuna
She is a prominent figure in the field of female emancipation and a person of mystical vision. A household name in Karnataka, she had said that she was a woman only in name and that her mind, body and soul belonged to Lord Shiva. During a time of strife and political uncertainty in the 12th. century, she launched a movement that made her an inspiration for woman empowerment and enlightenmen**** is commonly known that she took part in many gatherings of learned at the Anubhavamantapa in Kudala sangama to debate ****ut philosophy and attainment of enlightenment (or Moksha, termed by her as "arivu"). In search for her eternal soul mate, she made the animals, flowers and birds her friends and companions, rejecting family life and worldly attachment. The time was marked as height of foolishness of varnashrama dharma which only supported the three upper castes of Hindu society in India and suppressed the shudras and women.
Akka was a revelation here in that she not only rose for emancipation but also has sung vachanas which are so simple but of highest order.
It is said that Mahadevi was married by arrangement to Kausika but later did not as the king disrespected some conditions set by her. There were immediate tensions, however, as Kausika was a Jain, a group that tended to be wealthy and was, as a result, much resented by the rest of the population. Much of Akka's poetry explores the themes of rejecting mortal love in favor of the everlasting, "illicit" love of God, and this seems to be the path she chose as well.
She rejected her life of luxury to live as a wandering poet-saint, traveling throughout the region and singing praises to her Lord Shiva.
She travelled widely in search of emancipation and finally became a Sanyasini (woman saint) before settling down in Basavakalyana, Bidar district. Her non-conformist ways caused a lot of consternation i****nservative society and even her eventual guru Allama Prabhu had to initially face difficulties in enlisting her in the gatherings at Anubhavamantapa. A true ascetic, Mahadevi is said to have re****sed to wear any clothing—a common practice among male ascetics, but shocking for a woman.
Legend has it that due to her true love and devotion with God --her whole body was protected by hair.
repeat --her whole body was protected by hair.
All the sharnas of Anubhavamantapa, especially Basavanna, Chenna Basavanna, Kinnari Bommayya, Siddharama, Allamaprabhu and Dasimayya greet her with a word “Akka”. In fac**** is here onwards that she becomes Akka, an elderly sister. Allama shows her the ****rther way of attaining the transcendent bliss o****ltimate union with Lord Chenna Mallikarjuna. Akka leaves Kalyana with this fallowing vachana:
“Having vanquished the six passions and become The trinity of body, thought and speech; Having ended the trinity and become twain - I and the Absolute Having ended the duality and become a unity Is because of the grace of you all. I salute Basavanna and all assembled here Blessed was I by Allama my ****less me all that I may join my Chenna Mallikarjuna Good-bye! Good-bye!”
This dramatic situation of Kalyana Parva in Akka Mahadevi’s life is an indication of the beginning of the third phase of her life. In the first phase she had renounced the worldly objects and attractions and in the second, discards the entire object based rules and regulations and in the third phase she starts her journey towards Srishila, where her eternal lover Chenna Mallikarjuna’s temple locates. Also it is the holy place of the Shiva cult since before the 12th century. Akka’s journey of spiritual movement and social empowerment of womanhood ends especially at Kadali the nearby thick forest area of Shrisaila (Srisailam).
Monday, March 13, 2017
human or animal, what is the difference?
Practical Sanskrit: human or animal, what is the difference? आहार-निद्रा-भय-मैथुनं

food, sleep, fear and mating, these acts of humans are similar to animals' |
of them (humans), dharma (right conduct) is the only special thing, without dharma humans are also animals ||
AhAra-nidrA-bhaya-maithunam cha
samAnam_etat_pashubhir_narANAm |
dharmo hi teShAm adhiko visheSho
dharmeNa hInAH pashubhiH samAnAH||
आहार-निद्रा-भय-मैथुनं च समानमेतत्पशुभिर्नराणाम् ।
धर्मो हि तेषामधिको विशेषो धर्मेण हीनाः पशुभिः समानाः ॥
the king sudarshana, in the preface of hitopadeshaH, out on a stroll had heard two shlokas that set him thinking about the foolish, young, wealthy and powerful sons. after all he had to leave the kingdom to them one day! (see previous posts.)
then he thinks this shloka, also attributed to chANakya where he uses 'vidyA' (knowledge) instead of dharma (right conduct). both are appropriate, since without being aware of right conduct, proper way to use the knowledge, it is mere collection of facts.

biology teaches us, darwin postulated, and the wisdom of indian land always held that all living beings are of common stock, made from similar life units - cells, evolved, changed, mutated through time. put in other words, at a gross material level, we are all similar. basic functions of all life forms is breathing and digestion. kRiShNa says in gItA - 'aham vaishvAnaro bhUtvA, prANinAm dehamAshritam| prANApAnasamAyuktaH pachAmyannam chaturvidham' i.e. armed with breath and digestion, residing in the life forms, i digest four types of foods.' all life forms are upheld by the divine force of Life.
incarnation theory says that since life principle is same in all living forms, a soul can travel in various physical forms. human body is the epitome of life perfection. why? how? we see that we can NOT run faster, smell better, bite harder, swim deeper, hear better than animals. nothing! left alone in the forest, we won't survive for long.
or would we?
that is how we evolved, progressed in survival.
so how did we manage to beat the odds against us, beat every life form and even nature at its own game? oh, yeah, we beat the heck out of everybody and everything.
we have the brain. that can help us make things that make us powerful. even without fur, we can survive the winter, without sonar we can see in night, without claws we can kill wild beasts, without wings we can fly far distances... with great power comes great responsibility. this same brain allows us to think of future consequences of present or past actions. the development of complex language has allowed us to transmit knowledge across generations and time.
but all these are tools, of progress, communication etc.
the biggest difference between us and animals is the ability to think forward and think for the good for others! and also bad for others. (for good and bad are two sides of the same coin.) at scales not possible for animals. feudal or family revenge can destroy empires! such long term planning out of hatred. or entire religions can be formed, changing the face of mankind forever for the betterment of all. we, if we want, can choose between the right and wrong actions based on our own free will.
animals don't have that. they usually work on their 'animal instincts' - eat/hunt when hungry, kill only what is needed and when it is needed. sleep with the diurnal clock - mostly sleep in night or if nocturnal then sleep in day time. you never find animals sick due to lack of sleep or oversleep! scared of natural powers beyond their control, we too were scared in the beginning, and even now if it is at the scale of hurricane katrina, haiti earthquake, or indian ocean tsunami. animals procreate, only when it is the season. in a way they are less distracted all the other time. most of their actions are guided by short term, instinctive motivations.
we on the other hand, may endure heavy pains for the great good - gandhi, wolfe, martin luther, joan of ark ... why do we do that? for the dharma, for what is right. or give heavy pains for the greater evil.
THAT, makes us special, more than the animals, working at more than the material or body level. more than the mUlAdhAra chakra! forget about kuNDalini awakening, some people haven't moved above the mUlAdhAra chakra, they are still living at the animal level - selfish, survival, short sighted thinking and actions.
the wise bhartRihari calls such people as - bi-ped animals, and says the animal kingdom thanks them that at least they don't eat grass, else even animals would curse them for food shortage.
so, be human. think beyond the consumption, ignorance, fear and entertainment.
see the modern market and politics. consumption galore - fast food, carbonated drinks, alcoholic drinks, tobacco products make almost all of visible economy (money wise)! everywhere advertisements - telling you to buy something or the other. creating a product and then a need for it is the basic principle of today's market.
politics is filled with fear tactics all over the world. diversion tactics. be it osama, saddam or H1N1 swine flu.
life today revolves around entertainment only. how often do we hear 'i am bored.' everyone wants to be entertained. i say, 'only boring people get bored.' we have started to forget being creative. we just want to sit back and consume. that is total 'tamas', inertia, pulling and keeping us down. how many channels are there on cable TV?
and everything has to be entertainment - be it culture to kids! even hanuman has to be a comic character to appeal to children! people want to be entertained, not enlightened. not even slightly enlightened. nope. if there is no entertainment, i am not going there! and what to talk of the sexual tension in our lives. everything revolves around that weakness. all ads somehow find a reason to have a smiling, beautiful woman covering 80% of the ad space - be it ad for a pen, car, rice, alcohol, diapers, vacation spot, airlines, or life insurance.
market is out of control. gives you no help in deciding what is the greater good. it only cares for the lesser self-gratification. but as vidur warns, we need to sacrifice the smaller selfish interests for the greater social interests.
so? be human. think beyond the consumption, ignorance, fear and entertainment.
for we started weak and slow, but now we are strong and fast. we can destroy things, and destroy them fast - be it our waistelines or the world's resources or the fragile ecosystems of the oceans, or the rain forsts! we have already succeeded in destroying many things, in our animal like ignorance, but humanly unique greed and avarice.
it is better to be a four legged animal than a two legged one.
awaken! arise! be human, humane and of right conduct. you are the epitome of creation. behave like one.
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and now the language aspects of the shloka -
AhAra = food, act of eating
nidrA = sleep
bhaya = fear
maithunam = mating
cha = and
samAnam = equal
etat = this
pashubhir = pashubhiH = [as] by animals
pashu = animal. it has a very interesting etymology.
pAsha = net. pashu = that which is in the pAsha [of illusion and attached to the matter]
hence one who is not aware of the spirit is a pashu, be it walking on four or two legs.
narANAm = of humans
i.e. these acts of humans is same as by animals.
dharmo = dharmaH = right conduct
hi = only
teShAm = of them (humans)
adhiko = adhikaH = excess, more
visheSho = visheShaH = special
dharmeNa hInAH = without dharma
pashubhiH = [as] by animals
samAnAH = similar, like,
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(c) shashikant joshi । शशिकांत जोशी । ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः ।
uman or animal, what is the difference? आहार-निद्रा-भय-मैथुनं

of them (humans), dharma (right conduct) is the only special thing, without dharma humans are also animals ||
AhAra-nidrA-bhaya-maithunam cha
samAnam_etat_pashubhir_narANAm |
dharmo hi teShAm adhiko visheSho
dharmeNa hInAH pashubhiH samAnAH||
आहार-निद्रा-भय-मैथुनं च समानमेतत्पशुभिर्नराणाम् ।
धर्मो हि तेषामधिको विशेषो धर्मेण हीनाः पशुभिः समानाः ॥
the king sudarshana, in the preface of hitopadeshaH, out on a stroll had heard two shlokas that set him thinking about the foolish, young, wealthy and powerful sons. after all he had to leave the kingdom to them one day! (see previous posts.)
then he thinks this shloka, also attributed to chANakya where he uses 'vidyA' (knowledge) instead of dharma (right conduct). both are appropriate, since without being aware of right conduct, proper way to use the knowledge, it is mere collection of facts.
incarnation theory says that since life principle is same in all living forms, a soul can travel in various physical forms. human body is the epitome of life perfection. why? how? we see that we can NOT run faster, smell better, bite harder, swim deeper, hear better than animals. nothing! left alone in the forest, we won't survive for long.
or would we?
that is how we evolved, progressed in survival.
so how did we manage to beat the odds against us, beat every life form and even nature at its own game? oh, yeah, we beat the heck out of everybody and everything.
we have the brain. that can help us make things that make us powerful. even without fur, we can survive the winter, without sonar we can see in night, without claws we can kill wild beasts, without wings we can fly far distances... with great power comes great responsibility. this same brain allows us to think of future consequences of present or past actions. the development of complex language has allowed us to transmit knowledge across generations and time.
but all these are tools, of progress, communication etc.
the biggest difference between us and animals is the ability to think forward and think for the good for others! and also bad for others. (for good and bad are two sides of the same coin.) at scales not possible for animals. feudal or family revenge can destroy empires! such long term planning out of hatred. or entire religions can be formed, changing the face of mankind forever for the betterment of all. we, if we want, can choose between the right and wrong actions based on our own free will.

we on the other hand, may endure heavy pains for the great good - gandhi, wolfe, martin luther, joan of ark ... why do we do that? for the dharma, for what is right. or give heavy pains for the greater evil.
THAT, makes us special, more than the animals, working at more than the material or body level. more than the mUlAdhAra chakra! forget about kuNDalini awakening, some people haven't moved above the mUlAdhAra chakra, they are still living at the animal level - selfish, survival, short sighted thinking and actions.
the wise bhartRihari calls such people as - bi-ped animals, and says the animal kingdom thanks them that at least they don't eat grass, else even animals would curse them for food shortage.
so, be human. think beyond the consumption, ignorance, fear and entertainment.
see the modern market and politics. consumption galore - fast food, carbonated drinks, alcoholic drinks, tobacco products make almost all of visible economy (money wise)! everywhere advertisements - telling you to buy something or the other. creating a product and then a need for it is the basic principle of today's market.
politics is filled with fear tactics all over the world. diversion tactics. be it osama, saddam or H1N1 swine flu.
life today revolves around entertainment only. how often do we hear 'i am bored.' everyone wants to be entertained. i say, 'only boring people get bored.' we have started to forget being creative. we just want to sit back and consume. that is total 'tamas', inertia, pulling and keeping us down. how many channels are there on cable TV?
and everything has to be entertainment - be it culture to kids! even hanuman has to be a comic character to appeal to children! people want to be entertained, not enlightened. not even slightly enlightened. nope. if there is no entertainment, i am not going there! and what to talk of the sexual tension in our lives. everything revolves around that weakness. all ads somehow find a reason to have a smiling, beautiful woman covering 80% of the ad space - be it ad for a pen, car, rice, alcohol, diapers, vacation spot, airlines, or life insurance.
market is out of control. gives you no help in deciding what is the greater good. it only cares for the lesser self-gratification. but as vidur warns, we need to sacrifice the smaller selfish interests for the greater social interests.
so? be human. think beyond the consumption, ignorance, fear and entertainment.
for we started weak and slow, but now we are strong and fast. we can destroy things, and destroy them fast - be it our waistelines or the world's resources or the fragile ecosystems of the oceans, or the rain forsts! we have already succeeded in destroying many things, in our animal like ignorance, but humanly unique greed and avarice.
it is better to be a four legged animal than a two legged one.
awaken! arise! be human, humane and of right conduct. you are the epitome of creation. behave like one.
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and now the language aspects of the shloka -
AhAra = food, act of eating
nidrA = sleep
bhaya = fear
maithunam = mating
cha = and
samAnam = equal
etat = this
pashubhir = pashubhiH = [as] by animals
pashu = animal. it has a very interesting etymology.
pAsha = net. pashu = that which is in the pAsha [of illusion and attached to the matter]
hence one who is not aware of the spirit is a pashu, be it walking on four or two legs.
narANAm = of humans
i.e. these acts of humans is same as by animals.
dharmo = dharmaH = right conduct
hi = only
teShAm = of them (humans)
adhiko = adhikaH = excess, more
visheSho = visheShaH = special
dharmeNa hInAH = without dharma
pashubhiH = [as] by animals
samAnAH = similar, like,
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(c) shashikant joshi । शशिकांत जोशी । ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः ।
Thursday, March 9, 2017
Looking at the stream, Valmiki said to his disciple,
"Look, how clear is this water, like the mind of a good
man! I will bathe here today."
When he was looking for a suitable place to step into the
stream, he saw a crane couple mating.
Valmiki felt very pleased on seeing the happy birds.
Suddenly, hit by an arrow, the male bird died on the spot.
Filled by sorrow, its mate screamed in agony and died of shock
. Valmiki's heart melted at this pitiful sight.
He looked around to find out who had shot the bird. He saw a
hunter with a bow and arrows, nearby. Valmiki became very angry.
His lips opened and he
cried out,
मां निषाद प्रतिष्ठां त्वमगमः शाश्वतीः समाः।
यत्क्रौंचमिथुनादेकम् अवधीः काममोहितम्॥'
mā niṣāda pratiṣṭhā tvamagamaḥ
śāśvatīḥ samāḥ
yat krauñcamithunādekam avadhīḥ
You will find no rest for the
long years of Eternity
For you killed a bird in love
and unsuspecting[8]
spontaneously from Valmiki's rage and grief, this was the first shloka in Sanskrit literature.
Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
hitopadesh on friendship
durjanena samaṃ sakhyaṃ vaira�cā'pi na kārayet ।
uṣṇo dahati cāṅgāraḥ śītaḥ kṛṣṇāyate karam ॥(IAST)
Do not make a friend or an enemy of an evil person. [Because] a burning coal burns, cold [coal] blackens the hand. (Hitopadesh 1:79)
How should we deal with an evil person? Maybe if we are friends with them, we may get benefits of their evil schemes? Or should we be enemy to them?
A piece of burning coal, cinder, will burn our hands. But a cold coal blackens the hand, makes it dirty. Similarly, making enemy of an evil person will cause us harm. Making friends with them will give us ill-repute. So we should avoid them altogether as much as possible.
This advice is in generic situations. It is not always possible or right. For example, someone has to confront the wrong doer. Someone has to stand up for the right thing. When we are able to, we should. Those who are in position of power and to do something, should indeed use it to get rid of evil. But it is not always possible.
So, ordinarily, it is best to just avoid evil people. Don't ask favors, don't do favors, just avoid and do your work. Life is too short to makes evil enemies or make dirty one's own reputation.
durjanena samaṃ sakhyaṃ vaira�cā'pi na kārayet ।
uṣṇo dahati cāṅgāraḥ śītaḥ kṛṣṇāyate karam ॥(IAST)
Do not make a friend or an enemy of an evil person. [Because] a burning coal burns, cold [coal] blackens the hand. (Hitopadesh 1:79)
How should we deal with an evil person? Maybe if we are friends with them, we may get benefits of their evil schemes? Or should we be enemy to them?
A piece of burning coal, cinder, will burn our hands. But a cold coal blackens the hand, makes it dirty. Similarly, making enemy of an evil person will cause us harm. Making friends with them will give us ill-repute. So we should avoid them altogether as much as possible.
This advice is in generic situations. It is not always possible or right. For example, someone has to confront the wrong doer. Someone has to stand up for the right thing. When we are able to, we should. Those who are in position of power and to do something, should indeed use it to get rid of evil. But it is not always possible.
So, ordinarily, it is best to just avoid evil people. Don't ask favors, don't do favors, just avoid and do your work. Life is too short to makes evil enemies or make dirty one's own reputation.
Monday, March 6, 2017
అక్కరకు రాని చుట్టము,
రాని చుట్టము,
మ్రొక్కిన వరమీని వేల్పు,మోహరమునఁదా
నెక్కిన బాఱని గుఱ్ఱము,
గ్రక్కున విడువంగవలయుఁ గదరా సుమతీ.
మ్రొక్కిన వరమీని వేల్పు,మోహరమునఁదా
నెక్కిన బాఱని గుఱ్ఱము,
గ్రక్కున విడువంగవలయుఁ గదరా సుమతీ.
సమయమునకు సహాయము చేయని చుట్టమును ,నమస్కరించిననూ వరమునీయని దైవమును, యుద్ధములో తానెక్కగా పరుగెత్తని గుఱ్ఱమును వెంటనే విడువవలయును.
సమయమునకు సహాయము చేయని చుట్టమును ,నమస్కరించిననూ వరమునీయని దైవమును, యుద్ధములో తానెక్కగా పరుగెత్తని గుఱ్ఱమును వెంటనే విడువవలయును.
Sunday, March 5, 2017
AhAra-nidrA-bhaya-maithunam cha
samAnam_etat_pashubhir_narANAm |
dharmo hi teShAm adhiko visheSho
dharmeNa hInAH pashubhiH narANAm ||
आहार-निद्रा-भय-मैथुनं च समानमेतत्पशुभिर्नराणाम् ।
धर्मो हि तेषामधिको विशेषो धर्मेण हीनाः पशुभिः समानाः ॥
food, sleep, fear and mating, these acts of humans are similar to animals' |
of them (humans), dharma (right conduct) is the only special thing, without dharma humans are also animals ||
druk: rishi cognizes insights,they are called darshana...
..rishi cognizes insights,they are called darshana
The six principal Hindu darshans are Samkhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Mimamsa, and Vedanta.
The six principal Hindu darshans are Samkhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Mimamsa, and Vedanta.
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