Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Thursday, November 7, 2013
Maharishi Press Conference Highlights
Maharishi Press Conference Highlights
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Particle Physicist and TM Leader John Hagelin on the Unified Field Theory, Meditation, and Unity Consciousness [video] : Conscious Life News
Particle Physicist and TM Leader John Hagelin on the Unified Field Theory, Meditation, and Unity Consciousness [video] : Conscious Life News
Hagelin on unity consciousness:
Hagelin on unity consciousness:
Through meditation, I’ve always experienced that at the core of life is unity, Samadhi, the transcendent, the field of consciousness, the field of inner being. What is that, I asked myself? What is that unity? Finally, the world of physics, the world of science, is able to say: Yes, the nature of life is unified -not on the surface, but deep within. [It’s] the same unity that we experience deep within ourselves as our own pure consciousness – the state of Samadhi. So, they do come together. And that has been a very, very important discovery in my life: the unification of the most ancient wisdom of the core unity of existence. You and I are one… We are all one at our core…
Consciousness the Unified Field?
A Field Theorist's Perspective
John S. Hagelin
Maharishi International University
Fairfield, Iowa
Consciousness the Unified Field?
A Field Theorist's Perspective
John S. Hagelin
Maharishi International University
Fairfield, Iowa
Monday, November 4, 2013
Year of Birth of Adi Shankaracharya – 509 BC, 44 BC, 788 AD ~ Hindu Blog
Year of Birth of Adi Shankaracharya – 509 BC, 44 BC, 788 AD ~ Hindu BlogIn which year was Adi Shankaracharya born? Majority of the people would say Adi Shankara was born in 788 AD at Kaladi in Kerala and died in 820 AD. But the three monasteries among the four set up by Shankaracharya – Dwaraka, Puri and Kanchi – will say it is 509 BC. The fourth Sringeri monastery will say 44 BC. In nutshell, a common birth date of Shankara has not been agreed upon by researchers and the mutts.
Later in The Indian Antiquary magazine volume XXVI in 1897, one P Sundaram Pillai writes about the shlokas in the three manuscript leaves. The year of Shankara’s birth is Vibhava Varsha, Kali year 3889 and his death, the full moon in Vaishakha Kali year 3921. This corresponds to the period of 788 – 820 AD. The right approach is to study the teachings of Shankara, think about it and form your own opinion and cut out a path to understand Brahman.
A good amount of research has been done to know the birth year of Adi Shankara but there is no common agreement. This is the reason why many people might have come across different birth dates of Adi Shankaracharya.
But why has majority of the scholars agreed upon 788 AD as the birth year? Shankaracharya in his ‘Brahma Sutra Bhasya’ mentions about the city of Pataliputra . It is believed that the city of Pataliputra was destroyed in 750 AD. In the same Bhasya, Shankara mentions about King Purnavarma. Hiuen Tsang, Chinese pilgrim, mentions about Purnavarma as a Buddhist king during 590 AD.
But the most important evidence pointed out by those who support 788 AD was published in ‘The Indian Antiquary’ journal in June 1882 by K.B.Pathak. He mentioned about three manuscript leaves written in Devanagari script which mentions the date and year of birth and date and year of death of Shankaracharya.

But these findings were rejected by several scholars and they formulated new dates. But majority of the researchers agreed to this date.
A recent article in the Sringeri Mutt website also suggests that the birth date of Adi Shankaracharya is 788 AD.
Interestingly, when there is a difference of opinion on the birth year, there is unanimity in the fact that Shankara lived only for 32 years. Those who argue Shankara was born in 509 BC believe that he died in 477 BC.
But why did Adi Shankaracharya – who wrote monumental literary works on Vedanta and Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism) – not mention his birth year? Was it done purposefully?
Adi Shankaracharya teaches us to rise above birth and death. He continuously talks about the Supreme Soul or Brahman, which has no birth or death. Again, Brahman is above Time. After all what is time, it is a creation of human beings.
If Shankaracharya were to mention about his birth and foresee his death, he would have been negating his own teachings and Supreme Truth.
Which great ancient seer of Santana Dharma has mentioned his/her birth date? None. Time is important for we modern day human beings and scholars. For us, everything depends on the illusionary time.
Is the teaching of Shankaracharya going to change by exactly pin pointing his date of birth?
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Patanjali Yoga Sutras - Knowledge Sheet 67 | Art of Living India
Patanjali Yoga Sutras - Knowledge Sheet 67 | Art of Living India“Ahimsa pratishtayam tat sannidhau vairatyagaha’’ (II Sutra 35)
Ahimsa = non-violence; Pratishtayam = established in; Tat = his; Aannidhau = presence; Vairatyagaha = violence will be dropped.
“When a person is esablished in non-violence, then violence is dropped in his or her presence.”
Ahimsa = non-violence; Pratishtayam = established in; Tat = his; Aannidhau = presence; Vairatyagaha = violence will be dropped.
“When a person is esablished in non-violence, then violence is dropped in his or her presence.”
Yoga Sutras of PatanjaliIf you are established in non-violence, in your very presence violence will be dropped by other creatures. Someone comes to attack you. As soon as they come near you, because your vibrations are totally nonviolent, they drop down. They stop being violent. The contemporary of Buddha, many of you in the West might not have heard his name. His name isMahaveera. He is the promoter of Jainism, another religion. He emphasizes more on ahimsa. It is said that whenever he walked, twenty kilometers around him, people would drop all violence. The story goes even to that extent and says even the thorns would not prick anybody. The thorns would become soft and they would lie down. Ahimsa pratishtayam tat sannidhau vaira tyagaha. When you are established in non-violence in your presence, violence drops down in other creatures. |
Friday, November 1, 2013
Aspects of Shiva
Shiva has two aspects, the Unmanifest and the manifest. The transcendental, eternal infinite field of all energies (Shakti) as the source of creation is the Unmanifest Shiva.
Upanishads describe ‘SHIVAM SHANTAM ADVAITAM CHATURTHAM MANYATE SA ATMA SA VIGYAYAHA’. The Shiva, which is tranquil, unified and non-dual beyond the three realms is verily the ATMAN, which must be known and experienced in our consciousness.
The manifest aspect of Lord Shiva is SHAMBHU, SHANKAR and MAHADEV as one of the lords of TRINITY, who dissolves the precious state to enable new creation of Brahma. He is the fountainhead of all esoteric knowledge of yoga, Tantra and occult traditions. He is associated with cosmic dance of NATRAJ – TANDAV.
Lord Shiva – NATARAJA - is the master of dance. Shiva’s dance indicates a continuous process of creation, preservation and destruction. The Damaru (drum) represents the principle of shabda (sound) and hence akasha (ether), which proceeds immediately from the Atman and is responsible for further creation or evolution. Fire represents pralayagni, the fire that destroys the world at the time of dissolution of the world. Thus Damaru and fire represent the continuous cycle of creation, preservation and destruction. The other two hands indicate that one who takes refuge at the feet of the Lord will have nothing to fear. The Apasmara-purusha on which Shiva is standing symbolizes ignorance, which makes us lose our balance and consciousness. He is trampled upon by the Lord for the good of the devotees.
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